Eventos internacionales

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EBSA21 Conference 17-20 April 2018

INFO: https://goo.gl/25obZ1

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61ª Conferencia Anual de Seguridad Biológica (Octubre 12-17, 2018) Charleston, SC. Estados Unidos de América. Centro de Convenciones de Charleston.

INFO: absaconference.org

  • 62ª Conferencia Anual de Seguridad Biológica (Octubre 11-16, 2019) Memphis, TN. Estados Unidos de América. Centro de Convenciones de Memphis
  • 63ª Conferencia Anual de Seguridad Biológica (Octubre 30-4 de Noviembre, 2020) Phoenix, AZ. Estados Unidos de América. JW Marriott Phoenix Desert Ridge Resort & Spa

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Conferencia para Bioamenazas ASM


The 2018 ASM Biothreats meeting will be held February 12–14, 2018, in Baltimore, Maryland, with an expanded program to include tracks on high consequence pathogen research, biological threat reduction, product development, and policy. Thought leaders in academia, industry and government will gather to present and discuss the latest developments in this emerging field.

As the trusted voice of the microbial sciences, the ASM leverages its vast membership base to bring an all-new meeting together on the cutting-edge of biological threats. This year’s meeting incorporates a platform for students and early career professionals to share their science and connect with a diverse community of experts.


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Zagreb, Croacia. Diciembre 7-9, 2017


The aim of the Congress is to encourage the exchange of ideas within academic, political, social, military and security communities on variety of themes related to biosecurity and biosafety. These themes include the biosafety strategy in the Republic of Croatia and the World, a topic closely related to national and international military, police and security activities; modern interdisciplinary principles of forensic microbiology, unusual natural epidemics and inadvertently caused biological incidents; presentation of the most modern diagnostic technology, particularly multiplex diagnostics and “point-of-care” tests; bioinformatics, as a tool in interpreting the voluminous data that modern biomedical science produces; dangerous pathogens causing infectious diseases that require universal and personal protection in hospital environments (quarantine), and specialized laboratories; resistance of microorganisms and genetically modified organisms as a real challenge for global biosecurity, legislation and bioethics; animals as reservoirs and carriers of hazardous pathogens, forest ecosystems in which animals reside and emergent diseases of plants, require full involvement of veterinary medicine, agronomy and forestry; public health activities through continuous monitoring of dangerous infectious diseases and the development of global reporting system that contributes to biosecurity and biosafety at the national and international levels, which is important not only in peace time, but also during war conditions and natural disasters, including related migrations of affected populations.

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